
1. 違反下列事項者記違規1次




   。管理者判定不良行為 (例如:干擾他人學習、專區內進食、亂丟垃圾等等),遭受管理者登記者

2. 符合下列情況禁權7天





   。代其他學生執行Check in

3.  當學期遭「禁權7天」達3次以上,則當學期禁權。

4.  亂塗鴉或破壞設施,查獲者全學期點數歸零,禁權一學期, 並依校規處理

5.  禁權時間內將無法進行專區設施線上預約及累計自學點數



     1. 請準備一段大約1分鐘左右的英文演講,即可救回禁權時期之點數並同時解除禁權。



       (Consulting Assistant,以下簡稱CA) 諮詢時段,請CA協助改寫演講稿並練習

   。準備完成後,帶講稿(講稿上需附CA簽名)來找管理者驗收, 驗收過後,即可救回禁權時期之點數並同時解除禁權

2.  請預約BID Talk最少1.5小時之輔導課程,並繳交活動學習單,即可救回禁權時期之點數並同時解除禁權



Banning Policy

The following will result in a student being banned from using the Language Zone. One session of a suspension lasts for one week. Upon being banned three times, he/she will not be allowed to make reservations for time at the Zone or receive any stamps for Zone activities.

1. Checking into the Zone 10 or more minutes late or failing to cancel a Zone reservation within 12 hours of appointment time

2. Failing to show up during the reserved time

3. Receiving three or more demerit marks

    (Demerits may be received for overusing Chinese, leaving the Zone during the reserved time, partaking in activities unrelated to language learning, or misbehaving in any way.)

4. Plagiarizing on the English Reading Worksheet

5. Damaging equipment


Doing “1” or “2” from the followings negates one ban; doing “1” and “2” negates three bans.


1.     Giving a one-minute oral presentation in English

A.   The presentation must be themed and original.

B.   Before the presentation, a consulting assistant (CA) must be consulted.

       (The CA can help a student amend his/her presentation script, and can listen as the student practices giving the presentation.)

C.   The CA must sign the presentation script and then the supervisor of the Zone must listen to, and then approve, the presentation.

2.   Attending all of a 1.5 hour BID Talk and completing the assigned BID Talk worksheet.

(Worksheet plagiarism will result in resuspension.)