

1. 進出本專區,務必攜帶學生證執行check in

2. 使用104C~104G專區設備請事先預約座位,現場預約無法保證有空位

3. 除白開水外,其他飲料及食物請不要攜入

4. 請將您的手機切換成震動狀態,以免妨礙他人

5. 入場前,請完成您所有私人待處理事務,例如:吃早餐、上廁所、回宿舍拿東西等等。


6. 本專區所有資源恕不外借,亦不提供拷貝或下載等服務

7. 若設備發生故障,請即時通知管理員,請不要自行維修

8. 本專區不是圖書館閱覽室,您可以開口練習發音




2.用YouTube 看非關語言學習的影片 








1.代其他同學執行Check in (查獲者全學期點數歸零,禁權7天,並送交任課老師處理)





6. 亂塗鴉或破壞設施,例如:立可白畫桌面、牆面塗鴉、美工刀刻字等



Rules of Use for the Language Zone

General guidelines:

1.      Make early reservations.

2.      Check in upon entering.

3.      Do not eat any food, or drink anything except water.

4.      Put cell phones in silent mode.

5.      Complete all personal needs (e.g., eating, using the toilet) before entering.

6.      Do not download or attempt to check out any resources.

7.      Inform the supervisor if any equipment malfunctions. Do not attempt to repair it yourself.

8.      Use the Zone and its resources for language learning only. (As the Zone is not a library, feel free to practice pronunciation by speaking aloud.)


The following are strictly prohibited:

1.      Changing the computers’ desktop settings (e.g., background, position of files, homepage)

2.      Using YouTube to watch non-educational videos

3.      Sleeping (especially when it results in drool on the tabletop)

4.      Leaving garbage behind

5.      Not putting cell phones in silent mode

6.      Putting on makeup and nail polish

7.      Doing homework or reading content unrelated to language learning


The following will result in expulsion from the Zone (While other situations will be dealt with in accordance with university regulations and guidelines):

1.      Checking in the Zone as, or for, another person (Upon discovery, the supervisor will notify the student's home room teacher and appropriate action will be taken.)

2.      Unauthorized downloading of software, or use of media and software not provided by the Zone

3.      Unauthorized copying, deletion, or modification of the Zone's computer programs

4.      Sending and receiving personal e-mails, or browsing websites unrelated to language learning,

5.      Unauthorized adjusting of instrument controls

6.      Damaging equipment